The SpaceOAR Procedure

The SpaceOAR™ Procedure

SpaceOAR Procedure FAQ

Where is the procedure done?

SpaceOAR Hydrogel can be implanted as an outpatient procedure in a hospital, surgery center, outpatient clinic, or doctor’s office prior to the start of radiation treatment. 

What do I need to do to get ready before the procedure?

Your doctor will give you instructions on how to prepare for the procedure and information about any anesthesia you may receive.

Will I be awake or asleep during the procedure?

SpaceOAR Hydrogel can be implanted under local, regional or general anesthesia. You should discuss with your doctor which type of anesthesia will work best for you.

Will I feel any discomfort or pain during or after the procedure?

Your doctor may use a local, regional, or general anesthesia and the injection site will be numbed, so you may feel a pinprick or pressure*

*Some risks are associated with implantation. These risks include pain or discomfort associated with SpaceOAR Hydrogel.

What is SpaceOAR Hydrogel made of?

SpaceOAR Hydrogel is a CE marked implant made mostly of water (90%) and polyethylene glycol (PEG, 7%), that, when combined form a soft gel-like synthetic material. PEG is a material commonly used in other medical products.1 You should discuss any known allergies you may have to the SpaceOAR Hydrogel with your doctor.



What are the risks associated with SpaceOAR Hydrogel?

SpaceOAR Hydrogel contains polyethylene glycol (PEG). As with any medical treatment, there are some risks involved with the use of SpaceOAR Hydrogel. Potential complications associated with SpaceOAR Hydrogel include, but are not limited to: pain associated with injection, pain or discomfort from the hydrogel, site inflammation, infection (including abscess), inability to urinate, urgent need to urinate, constipation, rectal muscle spasm, damage to lining of rectum, ulcers, fistula (a hole between rectum and bladder, urethra, or skin below the scrotum), perforation (hole in prostate, bladder, urethra, rectum), necrosis (dead tissue), allergic reaction (local reaction or more severe reaction, such as anaphylaxis), embolism (blood vessel blockage is possible and may happen outside of the pelvis, potentially impacting vital organs or legs), fainting, and bleeding. Please talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits related to using SpaceOAR Hydrogel. If one or more of these complications occur, you may need medical treatment or surgery. Please talk with your doctor about the risks and benefits associated with the SpaceOAR Hydrogel.

I had the SpaceOAR introduced and by dinner time the same day I was ready to come out. I came out and with two days I was running again.

Alex Lamb, SpaceOAR patient, UK

Results from case studies are not necessarily predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.

Find out more about SpaceOAR Hydrogel

Why SpaceOAR Hydrogel?

Why SpaceOAR Hydrogel?

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Prostate Cancer Patient Information

To determine if SpaceOAR Hydrogel is right for you, consult your healthcare team. This guide can help facilitate a conversation with your doctor.

1. Mariados N, Sylvester J, Shah D, et al. Hydrogel spacer prospective multicenter randomized controlled pivotal trial: dosimetric and clinical effects of perirectal spacer application in men undergoing prostate image guided intensity modulated radiation therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2015 Aug 1;92(5):971–7.

SpaceOAR Hydrogel is intended to temporarily move the rectal wall away from the prostate during the course of radiotherapy treatment for prostate cancer, and in creating this space it is the intent of SpaceOAR Hydrogel to reduce the radiation dose affecting the rectum.

SpaceOAR Hydrogel contains polyethylene glycol (PEG). As with any medical treatment, there are some risks involved with the use of SpaceOAR Hydrogel. Potential complications associated with SpaceOAR Hydrogel include, but are not limited to: pain associated with injection, pain or discomfort from the hydrogel, site inflammation, infection (including abscess), inability to urinate, urgent need to urinate, constipation, rectal muscle spasm, damage to lining of rectum, ulcers, fistula (a hole between rectum and bladder, urethra, or skin below the scrotum), perforation (hole in prostate, bladder, urethra, rectum), necrosis (dead tissue), allergic reaction (local reaction or more severe reaction, such as anaphylaxis), embolism (blood vessel blockage is possible and may happen outside of the pelvis, potentially impacting vital organs or legs), fainting, and bleeding. Please talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits related to using SpaceOAR Hydrogel. If one or more of these complications occur, you may need medical treatment or surgery. URO-1288805-AA APR 2022

CAUTION: The law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. Indications, contraindications, warnings and instructions for use can be found in the product labeling supplied with each device. Information for use only in countries with applicable health authority registrations. This material not intended for use in France. Products shown for INFORMATION purposes only and may not be approved or for sale in certain countries. Please check availability with your local sales representative or customer service.

1. Data on file with Boston Scientific